Israeli far-right ministers threaten to resign over Gaza ceasefire proposal –

  1. Israeli far-right ministers threaten to resign over Gaza ceasefire proposal
  2. Israeli leader Netanyahu faces growing pressure at home after Biden's Gaza proposal  The Associated Press
  3. Herzog thanks Biden for speech, says will give Netanyahu 'full support' for hostage deal  The Times of Israel
  4. Israeli ministers threaten to resign over cease-fire proposal  The Hill
  5. Israel confirms Gaza hostage-ceasefire deal proposal details laid out by Biden  Axios
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China’s defence chief repeats threat of force against Taiwanese independence – The Guardian

  1. China’s defence chief repeats threat of force against Taiwanese independence  The Guardian
  2. Those who back Taiwan independence face ‘self-destruction,’ China’s new defense minister warns in combative summit speech  CNN
  3. China Defense Chief Swipes at US at His First Global Forum  Bloomberg
  4. China's defense chief warns those seeking to separate Taiwan from China face 'self-destruction'  CNBC
  5. China hits out at 'aggressive' Taiwan for military build-up  Financial Times
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European elections 2024: 11 important things to watch for –

  1. European elections 2024: 11 important things to watch for
  2. Hard-right populists are pushing their way into the mainstream  The Economist
  3. A Stock Trader's Guide to Navigating the EU Parliament Election  Bloomberg
  4. Why the far right is surging in Europe | FT Film  Financial Times
  5. The far-right is set to make huge gains in European elections. It could define the next five years of European politics  CNN
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Australia news live: Sydney drenched by month of rain in day; man arrested after woman found dead in Darwin

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The Coalition has questioned why the government is using drones to monitor people released from immigration detention.

Cabinet minister Murray Watt confirmed on Insiders earlier that “drones are being used as part of this operation, but more in the sense of monitoring the accommodation that people are living in, in for example ensuring that it’s not too close to schools or other areas that they’re not supposed to be living close to.”

There’s a couple of issues here. One, either Andrew Giles accidentally and casually disclosed a previously secret drone surveillance program operating domestically in Australia in a Sky News interview with your colleague Kieran Gilbert. Or he made it up and it’s not actually happening at all.

And in a fresh statement provided by the Department of Home Affairs to SBS, I understand yesterday afternoon, they refer to using aerial surveillance to look at people’s locations and other buildings in the area.

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Giorgia Meloni has emerged as a kingmaker for the EU – but will she turn to centre right or far right? | Jon Henley

Even her toughest opponents admit she’s played it cleverly. Yet the long-term aims of Italy’s prime minister remain unclear

When she became Italy’s prime minister in October 2022, Giorgia Meloni looked like Brussels’ worst nightmare. Until then, the fiery leader of the Brothers of Italy – a party with neofascist roots – had seemed anything but EU-friendly.

For years, railing against the bloc had been Meloni’s stock in trade: the euro amounted to enslavement, the European Commission was effectively a loan shark. “Bring down this EU!” she urged the 2019 conservative CPAC conference in the US.

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Homophobic Banner At 2024 Seoul Queer Parade Completely Backfires – Koreaboo

  1. Homophobic Banner At 2024 Seoul Queer Parade Completely Backfires  Koreaboo
  2. Seoul's LGBT community gathers for annual festival despite protest  Hindustan Times
  3. 150,000 celebrate Pride Parade despite backlash  코리아타임스
  4. Thousands celebrate LGBTQ festival in Seoul  Richmond Times-Dispatch
  5. Thousands of South Koreans celebrate Pride despite ban on usual venue  South China Morning Post
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China’s defence chief repeats threat of force against Taiwanese independence

Dong Jun rails at length about democratic island’s ‘separatists’ during Shangri-la Dialogue defence conference in Singapore

Peaceful “reunification” with Taiwan remains China’s goal but the prospect is being eroded by Taiwanese “separatists” and external forces, the Chinese defence minister, Dong Jun, has said.

Taiwan – which is democratically governed, and has never been ruled from the Communist-run People’s Republic of China – on 20 May inaugurated its newly elected president, Lai Ching-te. The routine democratic transition was greeted with fury by the Chinese Communist party, which staged war games around the island as a “punishment”.

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Labor minister denies direction 99 was a mistake and says community safety ‘number one priority’

Federal cabinet minister Murray Watt also claims Labor has deported more criminals in its first year than under Peter Dutton’s reign

A new ministerial direction on deporting foreign-born criminals will prioritise “community safety” over their ties to Australia, federal cabinet minister Murray Watt has said as he denied the government made a mistake with the controversial “direction 99”.

But mystery still surrounds the government’s purported use of drones to monitor people released from immigration detention, with no confirmation of which agency is operating them.

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Biden team hails ‘lightning speed’ call on strikes in Russia. Meanwhile, Kharkiv burned. – The Washington Post

  1. Biden team hails 'lightning speed' call on strikes in Russia. Meanwhile, Kharkiv burned.  The Washington Post
  2. On Friday, Ukraine Got Permission To Launch American Rockets At Targets Inside Russia. Hours Later, HIMARS Opened Fire.  Forbes
  3. The US allows Ukraine to use its weapons to strike inside Russia, but it is unlikely to be a game-changer  CNN
  4. Ukraine seeks to strike Russian targets with Western weapons, Zelenskyy says  Fox News
  5. Under Pressure, Biden Allows Ukraine to Use U.S. Weapons to Strike Inside Russia  The New York Times
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‘We refuse to disappear’: the Hong Kong 47 facing life in jail after crackdown

Last week’s conviction of dissidents came in the biggest case since introduction of a new national security law

The verdict wasn’t surprising but outside room no 2 of the West Kowloon courthouse, people still wept. The panel of Hong Kong national security judges had set down two days for the hearing but dispensed with the core business in about 15 minutes. In the city’s largest ever national security trial – involving the prosecution of pro-democracy campaigners and activists from a group known as the “Hong Kong 47” – almost all the defendants were found guilty of conspiracy to commit subversion.

Their crime was trying to win an election, holding unofficial primaries in 2020 attended by an estimated 600,000 residents.

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